Friday, April 9, 2010

Thursday, Thursday, Thursday....

Happy Birthday Sarah!!

Last night, we went out and celebrated our friend Sarah's day of birth at Kaminsky's downtown. After a day full of Chick-Fil-A and Pizza I certainly didn't any Tollhouse Pie a la mode, but it was special occasion so I couldn't say no!

Genesis small group girls

Thursday: Thurs·day (thûrz'dē, -')
1) The fifth day of the week, the fourth working day
2) The best day of the week
3) Tsunami's

Long lost friend (me) and cronies reunion

Too bad our entire outfits weren't in this picture...would have been a great addition to our book.
Jonathan and I have this uncanny ability to dress well (hip, stylish, rad, etc.) so there are plans in the works to share our abilities with the world.

Janice Ian

Famous Dance Move
If I was a reality television star:
1) The world would be a much better place
2) Everyone would adopt this dance move as the cool thing to do

In attempts to get a nice picture of the group, I realized I have a bunch of fools for friends.
Mary Claire and Me
Are bunny ears still the hip thing to do?

Best part of the night: distraught wet rat look after running through the so easily flooded streets of Charleston. Jonathan and I are clearly expressing our feelings on our face while everyone else missed the memo. Lame.


  1. :) You are so fun! And crazy! And this blog is cute!

  2. It's Janis- not ice, is- Ian. And... that's not my name! Fun night!
