Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Say hello to my good friend...

Just saying hello to all of my good friends who contributed to the survival of
the last week of school
(aka the longest week ever).
Diet Dr. Pepper, better known as DDP, you have kept me in a
wonderful caffeinated state
all week. Besides all of the shaking I experienced on Monday,
it's been fun.
Hey NeedToBreathe! The distraction you provided me from my project I was supposed to do on Saturday was awesome...made me love you that much more. However, 13 consecutive hours of working on a project on Monday was not that great.
Dear Nikon D40, the anticipation of your arrival has possibly contributed to the sluggish pace of the week, but now that you're here my spirits have been lifted substantially.
I can't wait to take some fantastic photo's.

Delinquent Wal-Mart buggy on the run

You always make me laugh when I see you in various places throughout the neighborhood causing traffic obstructions.


Where would I be without you? Especially when I'm doing so well on an assignment and I completely quit for at least a half-hour to check you out.

Mom and Dad, thanks for being silly and letting me call and tell you every single boring thing about my day...oh, and for laughing at my stories.

Paula Deen, I love watching your party. You're always entertaining me with your creepy come-ons towards young(ish/er than you) men such as Jason Priestley, Clay Aiken, and Blake Shelton. I'm almost certain none of them appreciated your
inappropriate comments and gestures,
but I sure did.

I'll be calling on all of you again for exam week.


  1. I've been loving Needtobreathe lately! I bet they were great live.

  2. I am counting the days until you get here so I can laugh with you a lot! Again, you make me smile! I love you!

  3. what a fun post! you crack me up!! love it! and i must say the ddp is my favorite!! and the paula deen comment was hilarious -- i loved when jason priestly was on there!!! too funny!!!

  4. I'm loving this list. and so excited to see all your upcoming pictures!
